回复 :MyNetworkTV presents the all-new series, "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed" starring the Masked Magician. "Magic's Biggest Secrets Revealed" stars Val Valentino as the Masked Magician sometimes called the Masked Mr. M.Val has been on TV many times in the past with shows like "Breaking the Magician's Code: Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed" with 3 additional series that followed with basically the same titles or a variation on those titles. The premiere episode will have special guest stars in 2 of the WWE's hottest Divas in Eve and Maria!
回复 :此前,Seventeen作为嘉宾出演了“出差十五夜”,并以许愿券进行了游戏。当时圆佑和Dino写了Seventeen出演《花样青春》的愿望,DK抽到了相关的愿望券,获得了《花样青春》的出演权。9月8日曝出在罗马拍摄。10月5日曝出此次节目标题是《一起去吧,Nana Tour with Seventeen》。
回复 :在本节目中,历史学家丹斯诺带领观众们开展了一趟独特的旅行。他将试图揭露伦敦、巴黎和纽约的肮脏历史。第一集节目中,丹斯诺回到中世纪,走进十四世纪的伦敦。通过高超的CGI技术,丹得以走在700年前的街道上,体验一位中世纪伦敦人的生活。夜里他从事搬运六吨粪便的工作,白天他尝试了当时的屠宰厂工作。他还检视了一位瘟疫受害者的残骸,以此了解这场大灾难是如何教育并引导人们将伦敦建立成为一个全新的清洁的城市的。