回复 :Tired of country life, Anna leaves military school and her home to live in exciting Prague where she finds herself confused by the behavior of her hip new friends. Irma is despondent over her latest break-up. Speedy is always high, but his brother Filip seems normal enough and Anna takes a shine to him. She does not realize that Filip is gay and involved with his roommate Kytka, who earns a living hustling middle-aged men. The circle of friends remains close knit until the night in which Filip decides to sleep with Anna. Kytka becomes insanely jealous and this causes tragedy before the story reaches its fantastical, upbeat conclusion. This romantic comedy was among the Czech Republic's biggest hits of 1996.~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide
回复 :在某辖区发生了一起抢劫案。由于嫌疑人具有一定的反侦查能力,使刑警们掌握的线索一次次中断。但刑警们毫不气馁,不忘初心,夜以继日地奔走四方深入调查,继而寻找到新的线索,刑警顺藤摸瓜先后将两名抢劫案犯抓获归案,审讯中二人对抢劫供认不讳。但刑警并没有就此结案,因在侦破此案过程中发现主犯牵涉一件赌博案,其交代是因欠下巨额赌资才铤而走险实施抢劫,赌场设在旅游船上。刑警乔装打扮上船参赌,里应外合将赌窝捣毁。
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