回复 :派出所年轻民警丁小田抓捕电信诈骗罪犯,与警方电信诈骗专案组不谋而合,专案组已经派出女特警小兔,混入远在泰国阿海与阿芳的骗子团队搜集证据,丁小田与卧底女特警小兔密切配合,与阿海、阿芳诈骗集团展开扣人心弦的反诈智斗,逐步掌握了犯罪团伙的诈骗各个环节机密与证据,但同时阿海也与人立下30天骗下1亿人民币惊天赌约,多位商业巨贾及大量老百姓卷入其中……
回复 :《别惹乔尼》讲述的是一位发廊发型师和一名饭馆小老板,在古镇里因一个超级时尚的发型,阴差阳错引出百感交集且笑料百出的故事。
回复 :By 1820, Edmund Kean is the most admired Shakespearan actor. But if his art is peerless, his free lifestyle is ill thought of, particularly by the high society. Kean has fallen passionately in love with Countess Elena de Koefeld, the wife of the ambassador of Denmark. Elena loves him too but hesitates to give up her rank in society and follow Kean. On the other hand, Anna, a rich heiress who refuses to marry Lord Mewill, the husband chosen by her parents, confesses her love for Kean and decides to become an actress like him... The aristocrats, outraged by Edmund's profligate ways, decide to boycott his performances and his career is broken. Kean does not recover from such a blow and, on a stormy night, dies in Elena's arms.