中文字幕BOWIE is a fascinating exploration of the life of a rock and roll icon who inspired a whole generation to become heroes.
中文字幕BOWIE is a fascinating exploration of the life of a rock and roll icon who inspired a whole generation to become heroes.
回复 :Recovering from a very public divorce, independent filmmaker and Italian Prince Tao Ruspoli takes to the road to talk to his relatives, advice columnists, psychologists, historians, anthropologists, artists, philosophers, sex workers, sex therapists, and ordinary couples about love, sex & monogamy in our culture. What he discovers about his very unconventional family, and about the history and psychology of love and marriage leads him to question the ideal of monogamy, and the traditional family values that go with it.
回复 :本片改编自日本作家山田风太郎的同名巨著《甲贺忍法帖》。于2005年9月在日本上映,总投资达15亿日元。1614年德川家康主宰天下期间,两个长久以来处于敌对的忍者村落——伊贺与甲贺,为了维护和平,二方祖先便订立了约定,互不往来但定期比武决胜负。两个忍者村落的个别继承人胧(仲间由纪惠 饰)与弦之介(小田切让 饰)在偶然不知彼此身分之下相遇认识,进而坠入情网,但悲惨的宿命却正等候着他们两人。德川为了确实掌握政权,于是展开政治密谋,挑起两边村落间的冲突与对立,进而消灭对方的种族。此时胧与弦之介将被迫成为敌人,两人必须背负起家族使命展开决斗……
回复 :四个青年,一座城市,爱与理想,轻松的茫然,四季轮换,他们从生活走进了电影,又从电影回到生活,在电影中扮演自己,又因电影而改变,中国电影从未有过的即兴创作,从未呈现的城市生活。