回复 :落第举子何云青(石隽 饰)受高僧所托,前往经略府抄经书。云青所抄之书乃《大手印》,相传此经能沟通阴阳两界,超渡亡魂。途中云青三遇神秘吹笛女子,几经周折后他来到经略府,受到参军崔鸿至以及老大娘王婆的热情招待。当夜,云青受邀到王婆府上吃饭,结识了一位妙龄少女乐娘(徐枫 饰)。此时有个番僧闯上门来,云青认得他是跟了自己一路的人,王婆很快把他赶走。席间,乐娘击鼓助兴,云青在鼓声中渐渐昏迷。次日云青醒来,发现与乐娘共处一室,他不记得昨夜之事,乐娘却哭诉他们二人已经发生关系。王婆随即撮合二人成亲,结为夫妻后,云青与乐娘过上了神仙眷侣的日子,整天沉溺于床笫之欢中。然而这一切的背后,隐藏了一个极大的阴谋,王婆与乐娘,真实身份到底如何……
回复 :"Sinofuturism is an invisible movement. A spectre already embedded into a trillion industrial products, a billion individuals, and a million veiled narratives. It is a movement, not based on individuals, but on multiple overlapping flows. Flows of populations, of products, and of processes. Because Sinofuturism has arisen without conscious intention or authorship, it is often mistaken for contemporary China. But it is not. It is a science fiction that already exists.Sinofuturism is a video essay combining elements of science fiction, documentary melodrama, social realism, and Chinese cosmologies, in order to critique the present-day dilemmas of China and the people of its diaspora.With reference to Afrofuturism and Gulf Futurism, Sinofuturism presents a critical and playful approach to subverting cultural clichés.In Western media and Orientalist perceptions, China is exotic, strange, bizarre, kitsch, tacky, or cheap. In its domestic media, China portrayed as heroic, stable, historic, grand, and unified. Rather than counteract these skewed narratives, Sinofuturism proposes to push them much further.By embracing seven key stereotypes of Chinese society (Computing, Copying, Gaming, Studying, Addiction, Labour and Gambling), it shows how China's technological development can be seen as a form of Artificial Intelligence."
回复 :一个富家女与一个穷学生的契约爱情。该片诠释了现代青年在为自己事业打拼的时候如何处置自己的爱情,在事业和责任感交集时寻找爱情,