回复 :曾在直播节目中大出其丑的主播埃文·巴克斯特(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)走下演播台,开始转战政界,并成功当选布法罗的议员。他努力打造自己的良好形象,以“改变世界”的口号赢得选民的支持,同时这也是夜晚睡前祈祷的内容。在此之后,埃文带着一家四口人来到弗吉尼亚州的亨茨维尔小镇居住,即将展开全新的政坛生活。埃文的仕途顺风顺水,刚刚走马上任就得到呼风唤雨的朗议员(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 饰)的器重,成为最新议案的共同发起人。正在这关键时刻,上帝(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)却突然出现在埃文面前,他只被要求干一件事,那就是建造一艘方舟。埃文的生活自此起了翻天覆地的变化……
回复 :After Porn Ends, is a documentary that not only examines the lives and careers of some of the biggest names in the history of the adult entertainment industry; but what happens to them after they leave the business and try and live the "normal" lives that millions of other Americans enjoy. They hailed from the rural South, steel towns, and the San Fernando Valley. As teenagers, and young adults, none of them thought that porn was in their future. They were artists, baseball players, child prodigies, and even Ivy Leaguers. Now, after their lives in porn; they're TV stars, bounty hunters, writers, and social activists. What happened in between? And now that they've moved on, can they really live a normal life after porn? Written by Bryce Wagoner
回复 :Alors qu’elle a toujours vécu pour les autres, Rosa décide, à la veille de ses 45 ans de reprendre le contrôle de sa vie. Mais très vite, elle découvre que son père, son frère, sa sœur et sa fille ont chacun pour elle des projets bien à eux et que changer le scénario familial n’est pas si simple.