回复 :Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of getting out on the surface of the big fish along with Voight. In the meantime, all members of the intelligence departments receive death threats from an unknown group called "Shadow". At several places in Chicago in a fire, explosion, and robbery, for which "Shadow" take responsibility, bringing the city into chaos.
回复 :活泼青春连续剧《总有出头天》,有无线一班充满朝气的年轻的艺员演出,内容清新可人,勾划年轻人的内心世界,真挚细腻!陈至诚(古巨基饰)、陆天亮(海俊杰饰)、杨紫盈(邝文珣饰)、何明月(黄小燕饰)、吕宛儿(陈采岚饰)五人同是好同学,毕业后各奔前程,踏上人生的另一阶段。诚满怀理想,希望工作能一展所长,但他面对商场上一张张尔糜我诈的面孔,登时沮丧万分,度日如年!月与儿感情要好,毕业后同在一机构工作。月初出道被花花世界吸引,唯利是图,学得人也逐渐变质,为求升职,竟耍手段,出卖与儿的友情!亮考试落第后便赴日本攻读短期设计课程,与小恋人盈暂别半年,于是托诚代为照顾。诚与盈因相处机会日增,不知不觉渐生恋情,后亮返港,两人唯有强抑爱意。可是纸包住火,诚与盈的恋情终于曝光,三个好朋友的关系面临考念!各人又如何解开心中结呢?诚、盈、亮、月、及儿五人,本是无忧无虑,但...
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