回复 :The mother of the family for which Michelle baby-sits dies unexpectedly. Michelle is asked to take over looking after the children and is gradually “seduced” by the father. When suspicions arise that the mother had been murdered (and had been having an affair), Michelle unknowingly becomes enveloped in a web of lies until she herself is suspected. Gradually she realises all is not as it seems.
回复 :A film crew producing a rock music video decides to shoot at an abandoned factory above the snow line. When an avalanche strands them, a murderous family living in the factory attacks and kills many of them
回复 :本片為華南影帝張瑛與梁天合作的清末喜劇,二人在片中分別飾演「刁師爺」荒唐鏡及「足智多謀奇人」陳夢吉,角色既鬥智力亦鬥演技,拼擦出火花。故事描述足智多謀的陳夢吉,為打聽師妹下落,連同僕人來到順德。後得知當地有名「刁師爺」荒唐鏡,刻薄成性,遂扮成僕人應聘且提出三項條件,荒不虞有詐。誰料往往被陳抓到痛處,一連串「鬥智鬥力」的腦筋比拼隨即展開。