回复 :In this Freudian version of the Bluebeard tale, a young, trust-funded New Yorker goes to Mexico on vacation before marrying an old friend whom she considers a safe choice for a husband. However, there she finds her dream man -- a handsome, mysterious stranger who spots her in a crowd. In a matter of days they marry, honeymoon and move to his mansion, to which he has added a win...
回复 :在机器人假肢重新定义体育运动的反乌托邦的未来,两姐妹参加跳远比赛,但相互之间的较量却使她们走上险恶的道路。
回复 :Pancha 和妈妈开一个咖啡店。从妈妈去世,顾客就变少,所以她决定在一个有很多顾客的咖啡店 Evening Cafe工作,为了看看他们工作的方式。他碰见了咖啡主人Suger 和姐姐 Noey。Pancha 和 Sugar 的关系渐渐变好,有一天 Sugar 知道 Pancha 来这里工作的原因,所以Pancha 就辞去。最终,因为爱情的原因,使 Sugar 恳求 Pancha 回来,并帮 Pancha 恢复她的咖啡店。