回复 :寅次郎回来通知家人,打算跟他途中相识的单亲妈妈娟代订婚。当娟代失踪已久的丈夫再次出现后,寅次郎留下短信就离开了。在旅途中,寅次郎在津和野重遇旧相识歌子,而她的丈夫刚病逝。基于责任,她与夫家苛刻的父母一起生活。寅次郎劝说歌子来东京,并陪同她去见因反对婚事而对歌子疏远的作家父亲。寅次郎希望与歌子有所发展的意图落空,因歌子决定要奉献她的生命给弱智儿童。
回复 :小武(王宏伟)是山西汾阳一个屡教不改的“惯偷”,即使公安部门在搞严打活动,他仍要想方设法下手。但是抛开所谓的“小偷”身份,他是个十分恋旧十分传统的人,亲情、友情在他心中都有沉甸甸的分量。但昔日亲朋好友早将他看作瘟神,惟恐躲避不及。无形之中,小武只能去做边缘人,换回某些满足和安慰。某天在歌厅唱歌时,小武结识了陪唱小姐胡梅梅(左百韬),相似的心境让两人建立了某种暧昧的情感。然而胡梅梅明白,小武并非她的彼岸,她需要找到一个更有力的“臂膀”改变自己的命运。对此小武虽也明白,却在事情发生时仍无法抑制失落。面对自己的未来,处境更加尴尬窘迫的小武愈发茫然无措。
回复 :New couple Na-ni and Joon-seo left the stuffy Seoul to try and start a cafe in the countryside. Behind the couple's attempt to change, they had some unspeakable worries, so they were sexless people who used their own rooms because they were not sexually compatible. Regardless of her husband's xiaokan.cc efforts to establish a relationship, her wife Na-ni has long been on an extramarital affair with her sex partner Dal-ho, who has been embroiled in a hit-and-run accident that she never thought of enjoying sex outdoors and is asked for a large settlement. Na-ni, who has been relying on her husband's financial resources since before marriage, kneels down to his victim Chang-soo and pleads for mercy, but Chang-soo, a farmer, persistently digs into her weaknesses and demands humiliating physical relationships. While Na-ni is falling into a rut for the creation of a rural village, her husband, Joon-seo, who has been complaining about his nervous wife Na-ni these days, is also beginning to open his eyes to her unique sexual orientation due to the charm of young, provocative part-timer Cheong-ah. What is the identity of Chang-soo and Cheong-ah, the farmers who are squeezing these couples, and the fate of those who are entangled like webs?