回复 :A feature documentary film about internationally renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins, is a revelatory cinéma vérité film that goes behind the scenes of his mammoth seminar "Date With Destiny," attended by over 2,500 people in Boca Raton, Florida, each year, to give an insider look at how one man can affect millions. Granted never before seen access to the behind the scenes modus operandi of this enormous event, this film captures both the immense effort of producing this live seminar, as well as the life-changing transformations of the participants in real time. Embedding with Tony Robbins and his team over the course of six days, Academy Award nominated filmmaker Joe Berlinger turns an unflinching eye on Tony Robbins' powerful and uncompromising approach to achieving success, ensuring the attendees leave "Date With Destiny" with new perspective on the forces, thoughts, and feelings that motivate their behavior and help them take ...
回复 :机械师弗兰克(杰克·尼克尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)身无分文,被洛城附近小镇上的一位希腊店主尼克收留,尼克年轻的妻子科拉(Jessica Lange 饰)引起弗兰克的强烈兴趣,科拉亦对酗酒的希腊佬心生厌倦,两人很快趁尼克进城时发生了关系,并决定私奔,但弗兰克的好赌成性迫使计划改变,科拉本欲杀死醉酒的尼克但只是将其重伤,尼克出院后科拉与弗兰克又生一计并终于得手。保险公司因不愿赔偿尼克的意外身亡险遂组织人手证明科拉与弗兰克有罪,幸有律师巧借不同保险公司间的厉害冲突使二人得以脱罪。弗兰克与科拉虽在狱中互相倾轧但还是走到了一起,两人接管小店后的生活平淡无奇,直到某天一名男子登门要挟他们……本片是詹姆斯·凯恩的原著小说第四次的电影改编版。
回复 :闻名中外,曾担任美国赌场保安总顾问的魔术手石一坚(周润发 饰),终回流澳门退休,更宴请各方朋友到来庆祝生日宴。其中好友Benz哥(许绍雄 饰)与他的儿子晒冷(谢霆锋 饰)以及外甥牛必胜(杜汶泽 饰),更特别由香港来到澳门到贺。翌日,大陆、香港以及澳门三地警方,竟不相约 而同找上石一坚,希望他能够重出江湖帮忙对付DOA组织集团的高先生(高虎 饰),但坚却以退休为由婉拒了事。另一边厢,冷竟与牛必胜一起找上门,希望坚收他俩为徙弟,坚哥虽欣赏小冷,但奈何经已退休,只好拒绝,但看在Benz哥份上,就招待他一夜。谁不知,当晚竟遇上了杀手(张晋 饰),杀手们不问原因直接追击小冷以及坚哥爱女阿彩(童菲 饰)。期间虽有中国公安洛欣(景甜 饰)相救,但阿彩终难逃一劫,被害至失忆。明查暗访下才知道,幕后的黑手竟是高先生。事情又岂会是无缘无故发生,坚与小冷二人连手,加上女公安洛欣三人,布下奇谋妙计对付高先生,斗智斗力,誓要查个水落石出,将他绳之于法……