回复 :张豪杰(梁朝伟 饰)本来是保险公司的高级职员,有着一片大好前途,但是一次偶然他被发现了脑中长着一个水泡,随时有生命危险,因此豪杰被公司解雇了;华英雄(刘德华 饰)是一个街头小混混,每天浑浑噩噩得过且过。就是这样两个圈子完全不一样的人竟然相遇、相知,成了好友。英雄在豪杰的介绍下进入了保险公司工作,重新开始了自己的人生,而赋闲在家豪杰则帮英雄料理一些琐事。英雄很快得到女上司的赏识,两人渐渐互生情愫;而豪杰一次偶然亦结识了红颜知己芬妮(袁洁莹 饰),两人慢慢堕入了爱河。就在此时,一连串意外发生了。
回复 :
回复 :Firenze's leading, very wealthy jewelers family heir Francesco Sabrini received a cryptic death treat on the back of a renaissance painting in their private attic collection. A masterly forgery was offered in Fabio Milus's Roman auction house, but German-born art expert Susanna Noll kept it back for investigation in he artist's home city, Florence, to consult her art history mentor, professor Andreas von Weissenfels. There she stays with friend Elisabeth Lanzi, who introduces here to Francesco and his family. During their research, which unearths modern crime with a link to a Renaissance-rumored fratricide, initially secretive Francesco and Susanna become lovers