本片为八十年代由蓝乃才导演的写实警匪片。故事讲述侦缉警长赵敬才(罗莽 饰)因一次行动,久久精品连累下属被劫匪击毙,久久精品而被上司指责处事鲁莽,改派督察邱正明(苗侨伟 饰)接办案件。敬才与正明办案作风迥异,冲突日多。职业杀手利子健(白彪 饰)受雇来港狙杀殷商徐文(王戎 饰),岂料行动时却误中副车,仅杀死徐文之助手;当徐文查得杀手为子健後,急欲除之。警方接获线报,即派正明与敬才率队出发,阻止黑帮火并……
本片为八十年代由蓝乃才导演的写实警匪片。故事讲述侦缉警长赵敬才(罗莽 饰)因一次行动,久久精品连累下属被劫匪击毙,久久精品而被上司指责处事鲁莽,改派督察邱正明(苗侨伟 饰)接办案件。敬才与正明办案作风迥异,冲突日多。职业杀手利子健(白彪 饰)受雇来港狙杀殷商徐文(王戎 饰),岂料行动时却误中副车,仅杀死徐文之助手;当徐文查得杀手为子健後,急欲除之。警方接获线报,即派正明与敬才率队出发,阻止黑帮火并……
回复 :黑尔是故事主人公的名字。在核战争爆发后,人类是面临灭绝的危险而致不孕。黑尔接受了救助在突变体首领后宫里育龄妇女的任务。他无法逃脱,因为他的私处连接了一个炸弹。
回复 :俄罗斯总理在莫斯科的一场摇滚音乐会中被劫持为人质,一个乐队的鼓手,他曾经是一个飞车党,决定去营救总理。
回复 :When a group of horny teens wind up on the grounds of a creepy abandoned asylum, they think they’ve found the perfect place to party. Little do they know that inside the building’s crumbling walls lurks a freakishly deformed maniac, driven to madness by the tragic loss of his fiancée in a car accident. With an array of grisly surgical tools at his disposal, it’s only a matter of time before the youngsters begin meeting various splattery ends at the hands of the ghoulish Coroner.Helmed by director Richard Friedman (Scared Stiff and Phantom of the Mall: Eric’s Revenge), and also starring Penthouse Pet of the Year 1988 Patty Mullen (Frankenhooker), Doom Asylum combines outlandish gore and a wise-cracking villain to create one of the most wildly entertainingly blood-spattered slashers of the late ’80s.