回复 :What do the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the Thirty Years’ War and the Renaissance have in common? For one, they were all starkly affected by extreme weather conditions. Indeed, if we take a fresh look at human history in the light of Earth’s volatile climate, we can expose hidden parallels, draw surprising conclusions and explain bizarre historical conundrums.This two-parter combines natural sciences and history, a journey from the Big Bang to Iceland’s volcanoes – a gripping narrative that explores little-known connections between the Earth’s climate and major historical events.Are these extremes of weather really a 21st-century phenomenon? Or has climate determined the fate of humanity ever since amphibians took their first steps on terra firma?
回复 :遇见魔力,看见奇迹,期待与你奇妙相遇!周杰伦的朋友全情参与,林俊杰、萧敬腾、谢霆锋、郎朗、陈建州等将和周杰伦一起周游世界,每个城市一首周杰伦歌曲,全程无脚本拍摄,魔术技能大秀,去巴黎解码 《告白气球》,去新加坡看林俊杰《听妈妈的话》,和谢霆锋富士山下看《最长的电影》……
回复 :《国民美少女》是由SMG互联网节目中心、东方卫视中心携手优酷土豆、SNH48合力打造的国民偶像天团养成网播真人秀,汇集了36位风格迥异的95后美少女,既有小萝莉,也有大长腿,2016年1月10号起登陆优酷、土豆双平台独家首播。