回复 :加菲猫从小到大的生活都沉浸在――高热量的食物,睡觉,捉弄愚蠢的狗狗和主人乔恩•阿卜(布瑞金•梅耶 Breckin Meyer 饰)的宠爱中,加菲觉得这就是完美的生活。直到有一天,乔恩带加菲去宠物医院时,受美女兽医所托领养了小狗欧弟,加菲的生活彻底改变。欧弟的到来意味着要和加菲分享食物和阿卜的宠爱,更让加菲嫉妒的是阿卜和美女兽医约会竟然带欧弟而不带它。加菲恨不得将欧弟赶出家门。一晚,加菲将欧弟关在门外,原只想惩罚一下欧弟,没想到欧弟走失了。阿卜四出寻找欧弟未果。加菲通过调查,得知欧弟被残忍的训狗师捉走了。加菲决定大展身手,只身前往救出欧弟。
回复 :Session Aces. Keepers of Time. Vocalists. Composers. The sidemen and sidewomen who play the riffs and fills we imitate in the air. When we turn up the radio, chances are we are listening to one of these players. A-listers have them on speed dial. International tour or recording session, who're they gonna call? A "Hired Gun." This feature length one-off documentary introduces the prolific musicians who are virtually unknown to the public. Billy Joel, Whitesnake, P!NK and Metallica are synonymous with their own artistry and success, but who is responsible for their instrumental solos? Who tours with them live? It is the consummate side players who kill it show after show, often playing circles around the actual band members. In "Hired Gun," viewers learn the firsthand stories from individuals who have mastered their craft and perform on the world's biggest stages. This film details the highs and lows of touring life, the demands of hectic session schedules, and the dedication required ...
回复 :為了進入歐盟,阿爾巴尼亞的特警部隊誓言掃蕩境內的所有地下毒品交易,並將目標鎖定在大毒梟帕杜拉。但打滾多年的帕杜拉也不是省油的燈,竟在特警部隊中安插眼線使得艱困的行動更蒙上了一層陰影。特警部隊必須與敵人們攻同燃燒殆盡,榮譽才能浴火重生。