凹凸A coming of age comedy about a 17-year-old in who asks his three best friends to help him get in his first fight ever before he moves to a new city.
凹凸A coming of age comedy about a 17-year-old in who asks his three best friends to help him get in his first fight ever before he moves to a new city.
回复 :伊瓦鲁失踪了,他的妹妹急切地想找到他,他的父亲却不以为然。一望无垠的格陵兰土地上藏着不可告人的秘密,一场找寻伊瓦鲁的旅程徐徐展开。
回复 :本片是1985年的影片《搭车人》的续集,还是过去的男主角托马斯豪威尔,上次的搭车的恐怖事件已经过去10多年,可男主角还生活在那次事件的阴影里……
回复 :昆曲明星素素嫁给了一位英国贵族,成为古堡女主人,人生却以神秘自杀暗淡收场。数年后,中国少女七安与爱墨意外收到来自古堡的邀请。旅程试想未知,她们却渐渐接近真相,却也身陷囫囵,无路可逃...