回复 :At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a naval officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the Dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
回复 :未来某天,灾难降临世间,天灾人祸让地球濒临毁灭。更为可怕的是,恐怖病毒肆意蔓延,人类相继化身为丧失人性、嗜血如命的恐怖僵尸。并且随着时光的流逝,僵尸的智商不断提升,已经成为规模庞大的恐怖大军。经过几个月的厮杀,居住在得州某小镇的哥伦布(杰斯·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg 饰)是少数的幸存者之一,他唯唯诺诺,行事谨慎,却凭着总结出来的经验一次又一次逃出生天。某天,哥伦布遇见作风骠悍的塔拉哈西(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰),两人一路同行,继而邂逅性感美艳的姐妹花薇奇塔(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)和小石头(阿比盖尔·布莱斯林 Abigail Breslin 饰),他们由此开始了一段妙趣横生、惊险刺激的旅程……本片荣获2009年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节观众奖。
回复 :曾经凭借僵尸片红极一时的动作明星钱小豪(钱小豪 饰)事业和人生跌入谷底,他带着随身家当入住一栋破败老旧的公寓。经保安燕叔(卢海鹏 饰)指引,走进了传说的凶宅2442单元。小豪悬梁自尽,谁知命悬一线之际遭遇猛鬼缠身,多得隐世道长阿友(陈友 饰)出手方捡回一条命。小豪对白发 男孩小白及经常在2442门口窥视并吃祭祀食物的女人杨凤(惠英红 饰)感到好奇,进而从燕叔口中得知了当年曾发生的一起血腥惨案。同大厦的冬叔(吴耀汉 饰)不慎跌死,冬叔的老婆梅姨(鲍起静 饰)求专修邪法的阿九(钟发 饰)帮其还魂,但酿成不可逆转的悲剧。生生死死,死死生生,爱恋贪欲引出无限烦恼。僵尸猛鬼,趁夜横行……