罪犯Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
罪犯Joe Thunderhorse, a Sioux Indian who has become the wealthy star of a Wild West show, returns home to his reservation after years away and finds that his father is dying and his people are being abused by corrupt white officials.
回复 :影片改编自日本作家村上龙的同名小说,讲述了中年男子青山重治丧妻七年后萌生了再婚的想法,却在与24岁的山崎麻美相识后经历恐怖事件的故事
回复 :查理(伊恩·基思 Ian Keith 饰)爱上了厨师的女儿艾玛(科琳·格里菲斯 Corinne Griffith 饰),然而,这段感情是注定不会受到众人的祝福的,为了避免东窗事发,查理将艾玛送到了自己的叔叔汉密尔顿(HB·沃纳 H.B. Warner 饰)家。没过多久,艾玛就识破了查理的谎言,明白自己其实是被后者无情的抛弃了。绝望和愤怒之中,她决定嫁给一直对自己很好的汉密尔顿,可是这段仓促的婚姻很显然并不能给艾玛带来真正的幸福。一天,艾玛结识了名为尼尔森(维克特·凡科尼 Victor Varconi 饰)的军官,为了能够让尼尔森在港口同拿破仑的军队交战,艾玛不惜抛头露面四处奔走,一来二去之间,两人相爱了。
回复 :电影版故事中,加入了关键新角色「田渕刚」,是贤二在美容工作室的小鲜肉同事,这号人物的出现是否让史朗和贤二的关系产生变化?此外,史朗为了庆祝贤二的生日决定规划一趟「京都旅行」,两人在旅途中又将如何向对方敞开心扉?