福利Follows a woman desperate to escape her town, she meets a stranger who promises a romantic escape, but it results in deceit, mistrust, and violence.
福利Follows a woman desperate to escape her town, she meets a stranger who promises a romantic escape, but it results in deceit, mistrust, and violence.
回复 :五个朋友闯入封闭的玉米迷宫在半夜决定发挥的标签无害的游戏。殊不知,一个精神变态的杀手决定一起玩。当他们漫步在迷宫的凶手紧随身后,漫无目的地嘲笑他们,看着他们的一举一动。
回复 :超自然惊悚片【The Boat】预告片,一个渔夫在迷雾中发现一艘弃船,登船之后,发现这是一艘全自动个人化的幽灵船。导演是Winston Azzopardi,主演是Joe Azzopardi,他俩这是这部低成本电影的编剧,翻拍自他俩2016年的短片《Head》,整部电影就只有一个人和一艘船。
回复 :Rocks from a meteor which grow when in contact with water threaten a sleepy Southwestern desert community.