周明、女弟金達威、女弟林志勇、王子凡及棠棠,分別來自五個不同社會階層的家庭,他們有一個共同興趣 ─ 流行音樂。在六十年代流行歌手吳順興和他的女朋友丁綺芳的發掘下,五個年輕人聚在一起,開始正統而有規律地練習如何組織一個樂隊。由於五人的性格不同,環境有異,長期相處,自然易生磨擦,幸而在吳順興的鼓勵和啟發之下,樂隊茁壯成長,在公開比賽獲獎之餘亦漸漸得到公眾的認同。就在此時,五個年青人要面臨各奔前程的抉擇,但他們之間從音樂培養出來的感情卻與日俱長…
周明、女弟金達威、女弟林志勇、王子凡及棠棠,分別來自五個不同社會階層的家庭,他們有一個共同興趣 ─ 流行音樂。在六十年代流行歌手吳順興和他的女朋友丁綺芳的發掘下,五個年輕人聚在一起,開始正統而有規律地練習如何組織一個樂隊。由於五人的性格不同,環境有異,長期相處,自然易生磨擦,幸而在吳順興的鼓勵和啟發之下,樂隊茁壯成長,在公開比賽獲獎之餘亦漸漸得到公眾的認同。就在此時,五個年青人要面臨各奔前程的抉擇,但他們之間從音樂培養出來的感情卻與日俱長…
回复 :
回复 :In 1940, Varian Fry traveled to Marseille carrying three thousand dollars and a list of imperiled artists and writers he hoped to help escape within a few weeks. Instead, he stayed more than a year, working to procure false documents, amass emergency funds, and arrange journeys across Spain and Portugal, where the refugees would embark for safer ports. His many clients included Hannah Arendt, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, and Marc Chagall, and the race against time to save them is a tale of forbidden love, high-stakes adventure, and unimaginable courage.
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