《亿万》讲述了纽约市政治与经济领域、门番关于金钱的一场较量。故事主要描述两个华尔街重量级人物之间的战争。精明、门番强硬的检察官查克·罗兹(保罗·吉亚玛提 饰)和才华横溢、极具野心的对冲基金大亨鲍比·阿克塞尔罗德(戴米恩·路易斯 饰)。剧集设定包括了纽约的强权政治和金融活动的权谋诡计,通过错综复杂的叙事特色来编织一个高风险的追捕游戏。保罗·吉亚玛提与戴米恩·路易斯两位艾美、金球双料视帝强强联手出演。
《亿万》讲述了纽约市政治与经济领域、门番关于金钱的一场较量。故事主要描述两个华尔街重量级人物之间的战争。精明、门番强硬的检察官查克·罗兹(保罗·吉亚玛提 饰)和才华横溢、极具野心的对冲基金大亨鲍比·阿克塞尔罗德(戴米恩·路易斯 饰)。剧集设定包括了纽约的强权政治和金融活动的权谋诡计,通过错综复杂的叙事特色来编织一个高风险的追捕游戏。保罗·吉亚玛提与戴米恩·路易斯两位艾美、金球双料视帝强强联手出演。
回复 :
回复 :成伟信(马浚伟 饰)子承父业,成为了一名律师,他和家人一起来到澳门游玩,偶然之中遇见了名为熊朗荞(陈法拉 饰)的钢管舞女郎。熊朗荞遇人不淑,被前男友拍下裸照以此要挟勒索,在正义感的趋势之下,成伟信向熊朗荞伸出了援手,帮助她脱离了前男友的魔爪。这段特殊的经历让成伟信开始在意起了熊朗荞的存在,然而,当他决定返回澳门寻找她时,后者却音信全无。当成伟信准备放弃这段感情之时,却意外的在香港同熊朗荞重逢了,然而,熊朗荞对待成伟信的态度却十分冷淡,与此同时,她和富商高永泰(刘丹 饰)之间却打得火热。成伟信得知这变化的背后必有隐情。
回复 :CBS will be bringing back another one of its veteran dramas for the 2019-20 TV season.Announced this afternoon, the network has officially renewed “NCIS” for its seventeenth season. The news comes after star and executive producer, Mark Harmon, signed a new deal with CBS to reprise his role on the series.“NCIS has been a global juggernaut for almost two decades,” said CBS Entertainment President, Kelly Kahl. “Its viewers are clearly the most loyal of any drama on television. They are passionate about the characters, the plotlines and the storytelling. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the gifted production team and the cast, led by the extraordinary Mark Harmon. We are delighted that the show will remain a linchpin of the CBS schedule this coming season.”In its current season, “NCIS” has been averaging 12.2 million viewers in the live + same day ratings, making it TV’s second-most-watched scripted series, behind only “The Big Bang Theory.” It has remained a strong performer for CBS, in both its ratings and viewership numbers, and was widely considered to be a strong renewal contender leading up to the announcement today.With this renewal, “NCIS” now joins “Young Sheldon,” “Mom,” “Criminal Minds,” “God Friended Me,” “Magnum P.I.,” “FBI,” and “The Neighborhood” on a growing list scripted titles confirmed to be returning on CBS for the 2019-20 season.