回复 :俄裔哲学家、心理学家露·安德烈亚斯-莎乐美寡居在纳粹德国,一位年轻学者的到访令她回想起自己的过往,圣彼得堡的求学生涯、青年时期的成就与爱情一一浮现在眼前。本片是哲学家莎乐美的传记电影,用交叉剪辑的方式将她生命中最重要也最富传奇色彩的三个时段呈现出来,连接这些片段的线索则是明信片,角色被放置于静态的景物和人物之间,宛若行在画中。
回复 :Two friends, who both work for the same high-priced, high-powered law firm, are both married to modern day witches. Erica, the wife of Larry, believes that he is being led astray by Carol, an old flame, who also works for the same law firm. Erica decides to act and one night after a torrid sex session Larry drifts off to sleep and begins to dream. Soon the dream turns into a ni...
回复 :在不遠的將來,百分之98的地球表面都會沒入海裡,一個能統領鯊魚大軍的軍閥,抓走了神秘「鯊魚召喚師」的女兒,而她必須學會掌控與生俱來的超自然能力,從軍閥的暴政統治中解放人民回歸自由……