魔幻An ancient Inca martial arts manual is protected by its only heir with the best fighters in the world on the hunt after him, including his brother, which'll trigger the bloodiest revenge.
魔幻An ancient Inca martial arts manual is protected by its only heir with the best fighters in the world on the hunt after him, including his brother, which'll trigger the bloodiest revenge.
回复 :私家侦探尼克和查理隐居于热带岛屿上,但自从当地人被营地恐怖组织杀害后,二人的平静生活从此被打破。尼克与查理决定亲自捍卫这里的安宁,他们将与犯罪势力斗争到底。
回复 :一个运气不佳的自行车手迈尔斯某天偶然发现一只先进、机器、军用的机器狗A.X.L.,其心脏是真狗的心脏,其他部位装备新一代人工智能。迈尔斯和AXL在日常交往中逐渐增进感情,而无赖军事科学家要不顾一切将AXL捉回,迈尔斯与他的梦中情人、足智多谋莎拉组队,为保护他的新朋友,踏上了一段史诗般的冒险旅程。
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