回复 :This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-force/army, etc. It's a very in-depth character study of the main character, who tries to fit into a world that she (now 'he') doesn't really understand, especially since she's now a man ... Stalin dislikes the results of the experiments and has the scientist killed. The main character then goes off to live a life as a simple, unknown everyday Soviet, but is inexplicably drawn into larger and larger schemes (somewhat reminiscent of "Forrest Gump" in that way). (s)He has run-ins with different important characters, including his ex-boyfriend from his days of being a woman, as well as going on a demented quest for the nurse with whom he possibly fell in love after the operation... However, he is trapped in his life as an important Soviet married man, and in the end makes a huge sacrifice for his country (unwillingly), and the movie goes from there to an ending that is possibly happy, yet still somehow incredibly depressing.
回复 :安博从小与妓女母亲达妮娅相依为命,饱受外界欺凌,母亲冲动杀死情夫后不堪刺激,被送进精神病院,安博辍学加入扒手党,从此成为失足少年。长大后,安博自立帮派,与几个兄弟出生入死,常遇到仇家刺杀,但凭借其杀手的触觉和高强的枪法,总是能化险为夷。在迪斯高认识的年轻舞女克里斯蒂,安博因在她身上看到自己母亲的影子,对她颇为爱护。后来,安博又得到了黑帮首领之妹艾瑞娜的芳心,兄长波比久闻安博的大名,邀他加盟合作,委以重任让他去铲除恐怖份子头目马丁内斯,安博毅然直捣龙潭虎穴,以几人之力剿灭对方整个军团,然而,接下来他不得不对付的,是波比本人……
回复 :1942年,抗日战争与第二次世界大战正处于白热化阶段。燎原之火,生灵涂炭,天灾人祸,哀鸿遍野。当军事家和政治家的目光聚焦在一城一郭的征伐劫掠之时,几乎鲜少有人注意到古老的中原河南正爆发一场惨绝人寰的大旱灾。影片的主角老东家(张国立 饰),狡猾、市侩,典型的封建地主,可即便如此也无法对抗这史无前例的灾难,他被迫逃荒,亲眼见证着儿子、儿媳、老伴等亲人的种种死状。他的遭遇是三百万灾民的缩影,面对这群人的苦难,无论是高高在上的蒋委员长(陈道明 饰),还是深入民间报道灾难真相的美国记者白修德(阿德里安•布劳迪 Adrien Brody 饰),以及海内外的每一个人,如何能从这眼前的人间炼狱之景侧目。绝望无止的逃生坎途,中华民族多舛命运的苦难一斑……本片根据刘震云的小说《温故一九四二》改编。