韩国A couple buy a beautiful home in an upper-class neighbourhood where a murder-suicide occurred. However, when strange events begin to happen, they soon suspect their new neighbour may have played a part in the killings.
韩国A couple buy a beautiful home in an upper-class neighbourhood where a murder-suicide occurred. However, when strange events begin to happen, they soon suspect their new neighbour may have played a part in the killings.
回复 :信心两次问卜,都说她的丈夫是戴蒙,但戴蒙始终没有出现。但就在她结婚前十天,她的未婚夫却接到中学校友戴蒙的来信,信心知道这个就是她要等的人,于是千里迢迢的飞到意大利寻戴蒙。《休斯顿邮报》一篇影评说“本片是《缘份的天空》以来最好笑与可爱浪漫的喜剧。
回复 :一所独立的女子学院,一群长期行为不端的学生,由于他们的不良行为而受到惩罚,她们被指派清理一座宏伟的老宅邸(有不好的传闻),为学校的盛大重新开放做准备。当女孩们发现并使用一块满是灰尘的旧占卜板时,她们意外地复活了一个可怕的恶魔,恶魔开始用劈刀、钩子、汽车等工具将她们赶走。他们能在被杀之前结束这场噩梦吗?
回复 :大家乐,台湾有名的六和彩之一,曾经风靡一时。故事以四个疯玩大家乐的人为主线,用极其幽默的方式来讽刺大家乐。车行老板因大家乐而沦为车行小工;家庭主妇因大家乐而欠下巨款,最终自杀;卖猪肉的沉