TV动画《银魂》将进入漫画最终章《银之魂篇》,极斗将于2018年1月开始播出。而《银魂》漫画也预计将于2018年完结,极斗《银之魂篇》的OP《勝手にMY SOULl》将由DISH乐队演唱,ED《花一匁》将由BURNOUT SYNDROMES演唱。
TV动画《银魂》将进入漫画最终章《银之魂篇》,极斗将于2018年1月开始播出。而《银魂》漫画也预计将于2018年完结,极斗《银之魂篇》的OP《勝手にMY SOULl》将由DISH乐队演唱,ED《花一匁》将由BURNOUT SYNDROMES演唱。
回复 :小智(韩波 配音)、小仁(刘沛 配音)和小勇(泽飞 配音)本来拥有着英俊的外貌并引以为傲,哪知道在凡间平乱之时却因为沾染了俗气而变成了三个莽撞大汉。不仅如此,不能完成任务的三人无法回到天庭,流落在人间,更遭遇了战乱被强征入伍,随时都有丧命的危险。三人得知,想要恢复从前的容貌,唯有依靠真爱。并且得知吸走时间真爱的,是名为“三无战神”的吕布。可是,吕布的实力实在是过于强大,小智一行人屡屡挑战,却都落得一个失败的下场。最终,他们发现了吕布的弱点,并且集结世人,将所有的真爱送入吕布空洞的内心,最终将其打败。
回复 :Walerian Borowczyk唯一的一部动画长片,原长80分钟,之后出了个几分钟的concert精简版。This is perhaps one of the funnies, yet most bizarre movies I have ever seen. I am in awe. Heavily surreal. Every scene has so much creative power and craziness you just can't avoid being fascinated by it.There's a story too of course, but I'm not sure I'd dare to try and explain it.. It was all so confusing. Well, there's Mrs. Kabal.. a funny old lady which seems to think she's something important(like the old lady in Sunset Blv. or something..) And there's butterflies, and Mr. Kabal, and a huge house.. and these strangelooking creatures.. and so much details. Its so funny. At one point Mr. Kabal tries to puncture a hole in Mrs. Kabals huge chest, and instead of it shrinking.. the whole woman grows into a giant! And then Mr. Kabal finds the hole in her stomach and comes into this huge building inside her with stairs, windows and stuff..And then Mrs. Kabal was shouting at him to do tasks in there. It was all pretty weird to follow. But there was a story going on. See this if you get the chance!
回复 :台北小孩豆豆(庄博文 配音)因为爸爸出车祸,妈妈要处理后世因此不得不先搬去台南和外表可怕的阿妈(文英 配音)同住。但是不久豆豆就惊奇地发现阿妈其实是拥有制服妖怪法力的驱魔师,鬼怪都很怕她。有一天,由于豆豆的贪玩,一个鬼怪(许杰辉 配音)被放了出来,鬼怪为了对付阿妈,利用豆豆做出了一些伤害阿妈的事情以增强自身的魔力。而在朝夕相处下,豆豆对阿妈的感情也起了变化,阿妈会不会被击败,就在最后关头了,豆豆能否成功帮助阿妈战胜魔鬼就看最后时刻了。