高清A terrified wife tries to escape from her insanely jealous husband who is bent on killing her.
高清A terrified wife tries to escape from her insanely jealous husband who is bent on killing her.
回复 :故事发生在古希腊的底比斯,俄狄浦斯王弑父娶母后,生了二个儿子——厄忒俄克勒斯和波吕涅刻斯,以及两个女儿——安提戈涅(艾琳·帕帕斯 Irene Papas 饰)和伊斯墨涅。波吕涅刻斯借岳父的兵力回国来和他的哥哥厄忒俄克勒斯争夺王位,结果两兄弟自相残杀而死。克瑞翁以舅父资格继承了王位,他为厄忒俄克勒斯举行了盛大的葬礼,宣布波吕涅刻斯为叛徒,不许人埋葬他的尸首。克瑞翁下令,谁埋葬波吕涅刻斯就处以死刑。安提戈涅遵循神律,尽了亲人必尽的义务,把她哥哥埋葬了,因此她被克瑞翁下令处死。随后,底比斯城的先知告诉克瑞翁,说他冒犯了诸神。克瑞翁赶去救安提戈涅,却发现她已死去。克瑞翁的儿子海蒙,是安提戈涅的未婚夫,他拔剑刺杀克瑞翁而后自杀。克瑞翁的妻子听说儿子已死,也跟着自杀。克瑞翁最后落得一个孤家寡人的悲剧下场。
回复 :本片在2012年被提名为以色列电影学院奖“最佳影片”。片子有着夸张的剧情,糅合了喜剧元素,带着黑色幽默的浪漫,塑造了略边缘化、病态和神经质的角色。片子带有《末路狂花》的主线剧情——俩女子误杀渣男;《天生杀人狂》的逃亡形式——公路电影即视感,但没《天》那样疯狂杀人,不过路边的毒蛇总是能引发二者的联想;以及《我心狂野》里那疯狂和别样的浪漫柔情——女主对女二号深情献歌,想起尼古拉斯凯奇那段经典献唱,而且本片里这对儿的疯狂劲,也不逊色于《我》里那一对儿
回复 :This riveting documentary, "Black Panthers - Huey!", directed by French filmmaker Agnes Varda transports you to the pivotal Free Huey rally held on February 17th, 1968 (Newton's birthday), at Oakland Auditorium in Alameda, California. Newton, the charismatic young college student who, along with Bobby Seale, created the Black Panther Party, had been jailed for allegedly killing a police officer. His arrest--widely believed at the time to be a setup--galvanized Party support throughout the nation and led to a boom in Party membership, bringing a new level of public attention to the Panthers' cause. Over 5,000 people attended the rally, which featured Party leaders and guest speakers including Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, James Forman, Bob Avakian, Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown and Ron Dellums. Through stark un-editorialized footage, this documentary chronicles the speakers outlining the Party's platform goals, their strategies for freeing Newton from jail and more.