回复 :魏佳欢生日这天,父亲魏成功陪她登上环海游艇,然而一场突如其来的海难打破了一切,整艘游艇侧翻,众人纷纷落水。魏成功自哭喊声中醒来,发现自己身处一荒岛,目睹魏佳欢被一巨蛇叼走,于是随众人深入丛林,踏上营救之路。在这片与世隔绝的丛林里,无数怪异的史前生物暗藏其中,营救女儿的遥遥之途布满杀机。另一边,魏佳欢等人在蛇穴中醒来,在失去规则的封闭环境中,幸存者的人性也承受着巨大考验…
回复 :该片讲述了男女主角被卷入一个巨大的科研阴谋,在一步步揭露谜团的过程中,两人不得不面对爱情、欺骗、阴谋、背叛等,在以为已经窥视到阴谋的全貌时,却又发现,这一切只是冰山一角……
回复 :When retired East End villain Charlie Archer is murdered by a feral street gang, his brother Ritchie returns to London from Spain to investigate. With the police investigation drawing blank after blank, Ritchie decides to take the law into his own hands and bring his old school justice back to the streets of East London. Rounding up his old firm, he leads a vigilante crusade against the vicious young criminals, using every grizzly method at his disposal to find and punish his brother s killers. They're outgunned and outnumbered, but this firm has never been outclassed yet.