回复 :
回复 :每过十年,中国和日本之间就要进行一场震撼武林的剑术决斗。这一次,日本柳生一族派出了高手宫本一企图一雪前耻,而中方则派出了青年剑客步青云应战。步青云如约来到了夏侯山庄等待时机到来,却意外发现山庄的少庄主夏侯胜男竟然是自己的旧相识。夏侯胜男默默喜欢着侠肝义胆的步青云,却遭到了其父夏侯渊的强烈反对。为了重振夏侯山庄的威名,夏侯渊不惜在背地里和日本人相互勾结。作为强劲的敌手,步青云自然遭到了夏侯渊的刁难和迫害,还将其关在了天牢之中。夏侯胜男想要救出步青云,却遭到了父亲的误杀,得知真相之后的夏侯渊悲愤不已,只得自刎。
回复 :ENDANGERED SPECIES is an intense, action packed survival-adventure about a wealthy American family who travel to the vast African wilderness of Kenya hoping for a dream vacation filled with excitement, bonding and a chance to fix the growing rifts within their family. But when their safari vehicle is attacked by a rhino protecting her calf, the family is left stranded miles from help and their dream vacation turns into a nightmarish struggle for survival in a world where they are the bottom of the food chain.