弗兰Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives.
弗兰Two female detectives, one motherly, the other emotionally immature, have varying levels of success applying their eccentric outlooks on life to their police cases and private lives.
回复 :广告狂人是由美国AMC电视台于07年7月19日推出的关于美国广告界的一部电视剧,该剧由《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)的制片人和编剧马修-维纳(Matthew Weiner)出品,背景设定在上世纪六十年代的纽约,故事大胆地描述了美国广告业黄金时代残酷的商业竞争,以复古的氛围,华丽的格调,真实再现了六十年代光影岁月。1960年代,美国的广告业步入全盛时代,位于纽约曼哈顿的麦迪逊大道上林立着大大小小数百家广告公司,其中有一家名叫斯特林·库帕的广告公司堪称行业中的佼佼者,它的创意总监唐·德雷柏面容英俊,体格健硕,足智多谋,既有美丽的妻子和两个可爱的孩子,也有风情万种的情人,更与身为客户的豪门千金惺惺相惜,仿佛广告业中的詹姆斯·邦德。除了唐·德雷柏以外,公司中还有酷爱炫耀其上流社会出生的老板罗杰·斯特林、识时务的秘书佩吉·奥尔森、野心勃勃却缺乏真才实学的拜特·坎贝尔等各色人等,他们一边为了满足客户的要求殚精竭虑,一边又要在生活的困顿中挣扎。美国《新闻周刊》曾在评价《广告狂人》时称,观众“完全可以关掉声音,只欣赏剧中人物的华服”。该剧也确实在时尚界掀起了一阵复古风。剧中男性的服装基本上都是白衬衣配西服三件套,由美国著名服装品牌布鲁克斯兄弟(BrooksBrother)打造。与时下的两粒扣西装不同的是,当时流行的西服有三粒纽扣。由此获得灵感,凯文·克莱恩(CalvinKlein)和迈克尔·科斯(MichaelKors)的2009年秋冬时装纷纷推出三粒扣式西装。
回复 : 被逼相亲,没想到错嫁优质男神。好甜好好看,就不喜欢看虐女主的剧。
回复 :Whilst Clive Reader celebrates his taking silk but Martha hits the bottle, angry that inspector Wright has lied in court to convict her client Johnny Foster. Later David, the teen-aged son of chambers head Alan Cowdrey, is arrested for causing the death of a policeman , one of six who kettled him during a demonstration. Martha believes David has been bullied into pleading guilty by Wright and wants Alan involved in his son's case but David is not keen to see his father. Reader and Caroline Warwick agree to help Martha, who sees on CCTV that an anonymous man spoke to David in custody but there is no record of this meeting. In court she faces Wright, this time determined to beat him but evidence comes to light which weakens Martha's crusade.