NBC在TCA活动上宣布一口气续订医务剧《#医院革命# New Amsterdam》三季,吞精使其起码播到22-23年度(第五季),吞精同时他们宣布正研究为《医院革命》制作衍生剧。
NBC在TCA活动上宣布一口气续订医务剧《#医院革命# New Amsterdam》三季,吞精使其起码播到22-23年度(第五季),吞精同时他们宣布正研究为《医院革命》制作衍生剧。
回复 :Darkness降临,末日降临,Dean见到了Darkness——Amara,她要毁灭世界来报复上帝。Dean因该隐之印与她有所联系而无法下杀手。 这一季诸多配角十分出彩,Crowley与女巫Rowena的剧情线相当值得一看。
回复 :Set in swinging '60s Melbourne, the gorgeously reckless Peregrine Fisher inherits a windfall when the famous aunt she never knew, Phryne Fisher, goes missing over the highlands of New Guinea. Peregrine sets out to become a world-class private detective in her own right with the unerring guidance of The Adventuresses' Club, a group of exceptional women of which her celebrated aunt was a member. A natural rule breaker, Peregrine is fearless, fun, and charmingly down-to-earth. Despite failing at a number of jobs - hairdresser, typist and sales girl - her survival instincts have kept her afloat. Armed with an impressive collection of life skills and having recently lost her dependent mother, Peregrine is perfectly poised for a new and challenging life and looking for a sense of belonging. She's a self-starter with an innate curiosity, moral integrity and an acute sense of justice; all of which delivers her an instinct for
回复 :500年来,英国历代国王、王后收藏的上百万件艺术品和装饰品汇集于此,使得皇家收藏室成为世界上最大的艺术品收藏室之一。本系列节目深入洞察这个非同凡响的收藏室,揭示这些伟大艺术品的内涵、使用方式和传奇来历。透过这些收藏品,我们将一窥每位国王、王后的志趣——他们最看重哪样物品,他们的艺术思想,以及他们跟艺术的渊源。本系列打开一扇神奇的窗户,带我们探究英国君主制的沿革、君主制与英国乃至更广阔世界的关系。