改编自川村元气的人气小说,星球精神科医生藤代(佐藤健 饰)正在准备婚礼,星球而10年前交往的恋人春(森七菜 饰)从玻利维亚、捷克、冰岛依次寄来了写满初恋回忆的信件。这时,他的未婚妻弥生(长泽雅美 饰)突然消失,藤代开始寻找着所爱之人的真相。
改编自川村元气的人气小说,星球精神科医生藤代(佐藤健 饰)正在准备婚礼,星球而10年前交往的恋人春(森七菜 饰)从玻利维亚、捷克、冰岛依次寄来了写满初恋回忆的信件。这时,他的未婚妻弥生(长泽雅美 饰)突然消失,藤代开始寻找着所爱之人的真相。
回复 :A maniac is loose in an almost empty cinema.
回复 :一家户外主题度假村附近出现各种灵异事件的新闻,在冯旖旎所在的某权威网络媒体内部疯传,她的属下不断递交上发表申请,性格细心谨慎的冯旖旎多次拒绝了该新闻的报道,直到有一天,她被设计住进了这家远在山脚下的度假村。住进度假村的冯旖旎,感受到了来自黑暗中强大的魔鬼力量,在彻底陷入绝望的时候,细心的她发现这是一场人为制造的阴谋,就当她要和这股力量进行博弈的时候,度假村内开始发生了真正的连环杀人案,博弈的对象也由“鬼”变为人
回复 :Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmares hide a shocking truth, something darker and more sinister than he ever imagined.