国产A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro).
国产A Black family in North Carolina battles decades of harassment by land developers trying to seize their waterfront property, in this searing documentary by Oscar-nominated director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro).
回复 :Kate Parks has spent the past year on tour promoting her book, an in-depth look at the attempted cover up of her husband's death in a plane crash. Now all she wants is to return home to her daughter, 15-year-old Samantha. But when a powerful solar flare strikes her flight home, killing the pilot, knocking out the co-pilot and frying all the electronic systems on the plane, it l...
回复 : 17岁的天才少女卡米拉聪明而美丽,她的世界尽在自己的掌握中,她总能设法实现每一个目标,胜利对于她而言易如反掌。卡米拉喜欢游泳,从不言失败。不幸的是,就是在这曾经让她取得成功的游泳中,卡米拉遭受了有生以来的最大挫折。然而幸运的是,这场意外并没有让骄傲的卡米拉意志消沉下去,反而迫使卡米拉用勇气、幽默和爱去重新塑造自己。年轻的天之骄子卡米拉,用自己的行动告诉了广大青少年们,人生并不是一帆风顺的,再厉害的人都不会是一直成功的,总会遇到这样那样的挫折。但是在挫折来临的时候,我们要做的不是被过去的成功所牵绊,也不是沉湎于自己一次的失败,而是应该勇敢面对、自信前行,用幽默和爱武装自己,相信自己最终能够战胜一个个挑战。版权方:云豆传媒
回复 :在一个仅有215名居民的封闭小镇Irénée-les-Neiges里,其中一位居民Simon Dubé死于意外车祸,这起悲剧也使得Dubé、镇长与其他镇民生活蒙上阴影。在这个充满哀悼与沉重的时候,迷雾中开始有陌生人出现在小镇,他们究竟是谁?