本片有王子有恶龙,性线观但绝非童话。公主Elodie(米莉·波比·布朗 饰)答应嫁给英俊的王子Henry,性线观却骇然发现王室打算将她献祭给一头巨龙,以偿还家族代代相传的古老债务。惨被当成祭品的她被无情地扔进洞穴,面对张牙舞爪的喷火恶龙,她必须靠着勇气与智慧逃出生天。
本片有王子有恶龙,性线观但绝非童话。公主Elodie(米莉·波比·布朗 饰)答应嫁给英俊的王子Henry,性线观却骇然发现王室打算将她献祭给一头巨龙,以偿还家族代代相传的古老债务。惨被当成祭品的她被无情地扔进洞穴,面对张牙舞爪的喷火恶龙,她必须靠着勇气与智慧逃出生天。
回复 :赵洪文国,东北黑龙江人,抗日英雄,被称为“游击之母”,其夫为国民党高级将领,在一场与日军的战斗中死于日军枪下。赵洪文国悲痛之下,毁家抗日,被国民党总统蒋介石授予“抗日之母”的称号,并与赵洪文国结拜为兄妹。此时的赵洪文国是国人皆知,光环笼罩。日本投降后,赵洪文国死心塌地的投靠蒋介石,网罗了大批国民党中下级军官,组织了数千人的游击队,在什邡县红白乡山区盘踞,誓与解放军为敌,后被解放军俘获。周总理曾出面保释,但因查出确系罪大恶极,于1950年4月被人民政府处决。
回复 :Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter.But when Park Kun-young's careful and precise direction begins to focus on the details of Jinwoo's existence, slowly revealing his restless soul, we gradually discover the complexity of the reasons that led to Jinwoo's extreme choice to retire in the countryside to live like a shepherd.The arrival at the ranch of Jinwoo’s longtime male friend from university, Hyunmin, upsets all balance. Moonkyeong, the ranch owner’s daughter, who has a crush on Jinwoo, accidentally discover the two men in bed and shortly afterwards Jinwoo’s twin sister, and Seol’s birth mother, shows up at the ranch after years of absence and silence and wants to take her daughter back to Seoul.The community of that small country place, which seemed kind and nice, slowly reveals their true colours and deep disapproval of the two men's relationship. The fragile sandcastle of happiness that Jinwoo has struggled to build is crumbling and the cold, harsh winter is upon him.Giovanna Fulvi
回复 :这个故事的灵感来源于发生在1988年冬的一个真实事件。七个朋友去一个神秘的树林玩彩弹球,却不料陷入一场惊心动魄的狩猎激斗,他们知道,他们玩的不是游戏,是自己的生命!【译 魅影字幕组】