无法From the creator of 'Hammer of the Gods', starring Stanley Weber (Borgia) and Annabelle Wallis (Annabelle), the subjects of a ruthless tyrant's oppression discover an unlikely freedom fighter whose code of honor demands bloody retribution.
无法From the creator of 'Hammer of the Gods', starring Stanley Weber (Borgia) and Annabelle Wallis (Annabelle), the subjects of a ruthless tyrant's oppression discover an unlikely freedom fighter whose code of honor demands bloody retribution.
回复 :青年吴极限(张翰 饰)是一名极限运动好手,每天从清晨开始,他就用出众的车技冲破一个个困难完成快递使命。然而这天,风驰电掣中的吴极限冲撞了小安(郑爽 饰)和风行子一干轮滑青年的表演,风行子大为光火,率众抢夺了吴极限运送的VIP包裹。包裹中的鹦鹉此刻与一宗商业争夺战联系到了一起,身手出众的工业间谍能让(释行宇 饰)为了抢夺这只隐藏着商业机密的鹦鹉不惜背叛组织。另一边,家境富裕的小安借吴极限上门讨要包裹之机离开了乏味的聚会,不料却与吴极限擦出了爱情火花,此时暗处的能让出面抢夺包裹。一场看似平常的快递任务,牵连出连场争夺……
回复 :本片基于令人难以置信的真实事件改编,联邦探员蒂姆·巴拉德(吉姆·卡维泽 Jim Caviezel 饰)在把一个小男孩从残忍的儿童拐卖犯罪中解救出来之后,得知男孩的姐姐同样被拐,他决定冒险前去营救,但政府无法派兵到他国领土救援。时间紧迫,蒂姆辞去工作,深入哥伦比亚丛林以身犯险,誓要把女孩从生不如死的命运中解救出来。
回复 :When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures.