回复 :未来某时,一种丑陋凶恶、仿佛来自地狱的怪物肆虐人间,大肆屠杀人类。某小镇在怪物的荼毒下宛如一座死城,生存者战战兢兢,惶恐度日。由凯文(Ben Budd 本•巴德 饰)率领的特种小分队进驻小镇,保护幸存者,与怪物展开对抗。凯文发现,被怪物咬过的人类会受到感染,化身力大无穷的凶残异体。而怪物也在某个神秘领导者的带领下有秩序地对人类进行围捕。为了击退穷凶极恶的魔鬼,凯文找到一本古老的书籍,在其中寻找制敌的良策……根据美国同名电玩游戏改编。
回复 :Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democratic movements, insecurity and unemployment. Peter, a former police inspector, feels like a stranger in the new Austrian Republic. While wanting to leave town, Peter is confronted with the murder of one of his former comrades. He decides to stay and instead bring the killer to justice. His ally is Dr. Theresa Körner, a determined and cool-headed forensic doctor. The two are linked not only by this case, but also by a deeper, shared history. As their investigation progresses, they realise that they are not just up against a systematic killer, who tortures his victims, but also face disapproval and intrigue from within the police force. Though determined to solve the crime, Peter, harbouring his own secrets, increasingly becomes tormented by existential questions: What is truth? What is heroism in the time of war? And all the while he fails to see the mounting danger before him.
回复 :方辰是专业技术过硬的青年医生,更是美式肌肉车俱乐部中让大家称赞的好车手。而俱乐部也是他放松压力,宣泄情绪的最佳去处。 一次突入起来的绑架让他原本平静的生活突生巨变。不明身份却操控全局的神秘人,随时能要了他性命的植入炸弹,能控制大脑意识的病毒、素未蒙面的病毒博士,不知从何而来的美艳杀手以及警方的通缉纷纷涌入他的生活。 飙车、竞技、逃亡、争斗。为钱?为情?还是为了难解的心结? 一个自信的男人对战一个偏执的男人。原来他的背后还有一个他。