精品Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.
精品Eight college friends head to a "Haunted Rental" for Halloween. But when they replay the game that made the house infamous, they awaken an evil spirit intent on stealing their souls.
回复 :“金子”是个十来岁的女孩,大部分时间她都在照料母亲露丝。露丝曾是个隐君子,尽管现在戒掉了,但是几乎没有能力照顾自己,更不用说养家糊口。于是这个家庭重担落在了“金子“身上。但是,另一方面“金子”也要兼顾自己的学业,否则她的前途将失去方向。她将如何在两者间作出选择呢?2004年戛纳电影节“金摄影机”奖与电影评论周最佳影片以色列女導演凱倫葉達雅的長片處女作,在坎城影展一鳴驚人奪下金攝影機獎等五項大獎。16歲少女歐兒一肩扛起養家重任,面對母親放浪成性的墮落人生,她陷在悲涼的生命泥淖中難以自救,連想要展開一段純純戀曲,也被消磨掉失去所有的可能。寫實而殘酷的大城小事,結局震撼人心;影像成熟洗練,整體成績遠遠超越對一般新銳導演的保守預期。
回复 :东帮大哥高坤,势力越发强大,支手遮天,在他的地盘上每天都上演着打黑拳、赌博、吸毒、卖肉的各种地下生意。大庆哥,一个有情有义,做事讲求原则的大哥,手底下有一批敢于把后背交付给对方的兄弟,几年前被高坤逼着退出江湖、金盆洗手,但威望仍在。高坤一直不服大庆,想把大庆彻底取代,设计了各种圈套,打伤大庆的兄弟,并绑架了奶奶,要挟大庆,大庆选择了单刀赴会,上演最后的辉煌……
回复 :A man is waiting in his hut in the desolate expanse of the Russian Arctic. He is holding out in order to observe a natural event that occurs here, every year. But ocean warming is taking its toll.