回复 :An innocent encounter on a Greek Island between two men quickly turns dangerous when one witnesses a drug deal. Back in Germany, stakes are raised further as more men are lured into their dangerous game of cat and mouse- setting in motion a series of events that blurs the line between the hunter and the hunted. A deliciously sexy series from the mind of Tor Iben, ‘We Will Never Die’ is an International gay action-thriller that will keep you guessing to the bitter end!
回复 :FX续订《大群 Legion》第二季。
回复 :林乐儿(宣萱 饰)自幼便失去了视力,终日生活在黑暗之中。然而,这不幸的命运却并没有让乐儿对上帝的不公有所抱怨,恰恰相反,个性开朗乐观的乐儿似乎比一般人更能感受到生活中的点点滴滴的快乐。一次偶然中,林乐儿邂逅了名为张家发(林保怡 饰)的男子,和乐儿的闲散不同,张家发时时刻刻都绷紧着大脑里的神经,只有胜利和成功对于他来说才会带来真正的意义。乐儿的存在让张家发意识到,这个世界上还有另外一种完全不同的活法,而在张家发的身上,乐儿也渐渐找到了生活的意义。然而,张家发已经有了交往多年的女友,林乐儿只得将这份感情深深的埋藏在心底。