回复 :舞台是在某个国家的某个地区莫斯特城市。在陈旧大楼的二楼有一家发行《月刊妄想科学》的小出版社。《月刊妄想科学》是一本异想天开,报道“真是吓人一跳!”的事件、即使是科学家也会发出“要不行啦!”声音的超科学现象的科学杂志。工作人员只有帅哥主编兼编辑的塔罗·J·铃木。再加上小学生助手吉罗·田中和狗狗三郎。编辑部一直是空的,塔罗、吉罗和三郎都沉浸在同一栋大楼1F的咖啡馆《岩石(ROCK)》中。有一天,科学家戈洛·佐藤前来咨询,由此开始了一个异想天开的故事……。
回复 :In trying to comprehend our universe, just how big is big? How far is far? This users guide to the cosmos will bring the incomprehensible down to a human scale such as Venus melting a tank, the density of a black hole compared to 1000 cars in a Coke can, and the comets in the Solar System equated to grains of sugar weighing half a ton.
回复 :A Granny's Guide to the Modern World is a three-episode British television series shown on Channel 4 in August 2016. It is presented by Barry Humphries. It follows several elderly male and female investigative reporters as they tackle issues regarding 21st century life in a lighthearted manner.