回复 :
回复 :Military Channel关于二战东线的纪录片系列。Episode 1: Operation BarbarossaEpisode 2: Kiev, 1941Episode 3: The Defence of SevastopolEpisode 4: The Battle for MoscowEpisode 5: LeningradEpisode 6: RzhevEpisode 7: StalingradEpisode 8: The Battle for CaucasusEpisode 9: The Kursk BulgeEpisode 10: From the Dnieper to the OderEpisode 11: Operation BagrationEpisode 12: War in the AirEpisode 13: War in the SeaEpisode 14: The Partisan MovementEpisode 15: Secret Intelligence of the Red ArmyEpisode 16: The Battle for GermanyEpisode 17: BerlinEpisode 18: War Against Japan
回复 :国内首部澳门题材短剧,联动澳门社会文化司,作为献礼“澳门回归25周年”先导项目策划执行。故事呈现的是澳门成长起来的新一代年轻人,在老城区生活,在新地标奋斗的向阳人生。讲述外表冷峻的外来厨师王廷之及女儿王芊芊,与澳门当地小辣椒黄依琳及外婆张宝琴,因“房”结缘,因“美食”情感升温,最终在同一屋檐下携手走向爱情的暖心故事。