回复 :故事发生在90年代的台湾,电视台女主持丁玉梅(杨林 饰)因为节目《神童世界》收视率不佳而面临被炒鱿鱼的危机,所以她请香港朋友程凌(岑建勋 饰)帮忙,计划做一期象棋神童的节目挽回收视率。这时,他们遇到了一个名叫王圣方的孩子,他具有预测未来的特异功能,这让众人看到了希望……在寻找小棋王的过程中,程凌时常被自己的回忆打断——在文革时期,他跟随表哥倪斌(金士杰 饰)参加轰轰烈烈的知识青年上山下乡运动。在列车上,他们结识了痴迷下棋的王一生(梁家辉 饰)和学美术出身的阿城(严浩 饰),此后他们在农场遇到了一系列的麻烦,后来王一生因为一次疏忽而锒铛入狱,幸亏倪斌用“传家宝”——一副元代象棋用来送礼疏通,才帮他度过难关。后来王一生在众人帮助下,参加了一场特殊的棋王大战,结果出人意料……本片根据著名作家阿城的同名小说改编。
回复 :美丽宁静的新西兰牧场,无数温顺的绵羊正在草场上觅食,突然远处传来令人毛骨悚然的叫声。奥利弗(马修·张伯伦 Matthew Chamberlain 饰)年幼时由于哥哥安格斯的恶作剧而患上“恐羊症”,成人后在回农场处理父亲留下的遗产时发现哥哥安格斯为了赚钱而用羊做基因试验,从而引发了一场灾难。本来温顺的绵羊突然变得凶残起来,并且迅速蔓延。但凡被已经变异的羊咬过,无论是羊或者是人都会变成可怕的食肉动物。四处躲藏的奥利弗巧遇一直反对农场基因试验的女孩“Experience”,在农场工人塔克的帮助下,三人不得不开始阻制这场灾难的进一步扩散……本片是新西兰导演乔纳森·金 (Jonathan King)的处女作,这位口味独特的导演热衷于“令人倒胃口的血腥镜头”。
回复 :Professor Mary Beard, renowned classicist and TV historian, is to explore what life was like in one of the world’s most extraordinary and iconic archaeological sites, in Pompeii: Life Before Death, a new landmark programme for BBC One.Mary Beard – a world Pompeii expert and author of Pompeii: Life Of A Roman Town – will be joining an international team as they bring the very latest technology to bear on this most extraordinary of archaeological sites.Mary Beard says: “This is a really exciting chance to find out more about the ordinary people who lived in ancient Pompeii. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm hoping we're going to unlock some if the secrets about who the people were.”For the first time, a team is CT scanning and fully investigating the world-famous casts of the bodies to analyse the skeletons trapped within, to ascertain all they can about who they were, where they came from and how they lived. A team is also conducting DNA analysis of the bodies for the first time.Elsewhere, the documentary will follow the work of recovering damaged frescoes and mosaics, the excavation and rebuilding of certain key buildings and the organisation and cataloguing of the thousands of astonishing artefacts in the storerooms – from loaves of bread to pet monkeys, paint pots to purses. It will shine a light on the work of archaeologists who are exploring the third of the town that has never been excavated, and will present a unique first look at the complete Pompeii in stunning CGI.Using the evidence gleaned from all this research, the BBC One film will piece together a full picture of daily life in Pompeii before the town was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79.