作曲家以及音乐学院教授约翰•罗素(George C. Scott 饰)和妻子女儿共度假期,春暖然而突如其来的车祸夺去妻女的性命。孤独悲伤的约翰离开纽约,春暖来到西雅图一所大学任教。他在当地找到一栋已经空闲12年之久的旧房子,虽然破旧,但清静的环境正是和约翰的音乐创作。但搬入后他却发现,每当早晨6点左右房子内就会传出奇怪的声音,不久后约翰更惊恐地意识到,房子里竟然还住着一个儿童的鬼魂。在鬼魂的示意下,约翰开始有意识的探究这栋房子背后所隐藏的秘密……
作曲家以及音乐学院教授约翰•罗素(George C. Scott 饰)和妻子女儿共度假期,春暖然而突如其来的车祸夺去妻女的性命。孤独悲伤的约翰离开纽约,春暖来到西雅图一所大学任教。他在当地找到一栋已经空闲12年之久的旧房子,虽然破旧,但清静的环境正是和约翰的音乐创作。但搬入后他却发现,每当早晨6点左右房子内就会传出奇怪的声音,不久后约翰更惊恐地意识到,房子里竟然还住着一个儿童的鬼魂。在鬼魂的示意下,约翰开始有意识的探究这栋房子背后所隐藏的秘密……
回复 : 珍接受了照顾盲人西诺比娅的看护工作。可是慢慢地,珍意识到,西诺比娅正在慢慢地取走她的血...
回复 :American psychologist John Holden arrives in London to participate in a symposium aiming to expose witchcraft and devil-worship as a fraud, with attention centered on a cult run by a Julian Karswell. Debarking his plane, Holden learns that the symposium leader, Henry Harrington, has suddenly died and he is now in charge. What only the audience knows is that Harrington was clearly killed by a demon, apparently summoned by Karswell to avenge his persecution. Despite both threatening and cajoling behavior by Karswell, Holden determines to proceed, though the only cult member willing to talk about his experiences is in a prison psychiatric ward, catatonic after allegedly killing yet another cult member. However, Harrington's niece, Joanna, believes, based on her uncle's notes, that Karswell may indeed have some satanic powers derived from an ancient tome in an obscure language which he has been able to translate, and attempts to warn the skeptic Holden. Karswell's mother also attempts to warn Holden off. However, the thing which begins to most get to Holden are the occasional, but mounting, sensory and mental disturbances he begins experiencing after an encounter with Karswell, and the discovery that, during this encounter, Karswell secretly slipped a slip of parchment with a curse in runic symbols on it into Holden's belongings, a parchment identical to one Harrington recorded having had passed to him in a similar manner shortly before his death... [N.B. Holden at no point stays at the Karswell estate].
回复 :故事发生在西南边陲。碧罗雪山下,怒江奔腾不息,这天傈僳族小伙木扒举行婚礼,全寨子乡亲赶来凑热闹,一派欢喜气氛。迪阿鲁爱着木扒的妹妹吉妮,而受老观念影响的爷爷多利拔坚决不同意,他要迪阿鲁守着丧夫的嫂嫂阿南恰,并帮她一起哺育尙在幼年的侄女阿亚。熊是傈僳族供奉的祖先,但在目前收获季节它常常跑出来毀坏庄稼和牲畜,很是让人头疼。身为村民组长,迪阿鲁天天奔波在为村民讨赔偿的路上,同时磨破嘴皮地宣传国家林业法规。木扒偷剥珍稀植物红豆杉皮,被执法部门拘留,救儿心切的父亲要女儿吉妮嫁给混混阿达,以期讨来彩礼交罚款,迪阿鲁闻讯痛苦万分......