坏坏An altruistic department-store owner hires ex-convicts in order to give them a second chance at life. Unfortunately, one of the convicts he hires recruits two of his fellow ex-convicts in a plan to rob the store.
坏坏An altruistic department-store owner hires ex-convicts in order to give them a second chance at life. Unfortunately, one of the convicts he hires recruits two of his fellow ex-convicts in a plan to rob the store.
回复 :
回复 :北漂网络写手唐楠楠(迪丽热巴 饰)脑洞大于常人,整日穿行在各种“白日梦”之中,梦想着有一天能成为网文大神,然而在她误打误撞毁掉了贱萌海龟男朱侯(张云龙 饰)为追求女神精心布置的告白仪式之后,这对冤家阴差阳错之下被迫带着各自的傲娇与偏见开始了同居生活。朱侯的高富帅好基友萧见君(高伟光 饰)因对唐楠楠一见钟情展开猛烈攻势,却不料遭到朱侯再三阻挠。当“傲娇”任性撞上“偏见”无理,一场鸡飞狗跳的脱线恋情正在袭来,一次跨越银河系的世纪大和解即将上演。
回复 :都市白领叶晓萌、暴发户的情妇美玲、女企业家阿文,三个原本素不相识的女人,因为一个宝宝走到了一起。叶晓萌和男友,美玲和情夫,阿文和婆婆之间的关系,因为这个宝宝的出现而发生了改变。在善良和爱心的作用下,啼笑皆非的误会被一一化解,而这个宝宝身世之谜也一点点被揭开……