回复 :热爱无数的张少强拜刘勇为师,和刘勇的儿子刘明一同练舞,无数比赛中,才哥违反武德,打断了刘明的腿,张少强进行训练,最终打败才哥
回复 :幼稚园教师汪小云在一个晚上出外看戏消遗,看完戏后碰上打劫银行携着四千万赃款逃走的重伤劫匪阿B,她被挟持到夜店,在一间夜店中她和售货员玲玲等和阿B发生纠缠,阿B后来伤重死去。 小云,玲玲和师姐,在玲玲表姊小倩的指挥下,企图毁尸灭迹,平分赃款。岂料劫匪同当党追踪而至,贼首大哥等对她们企图先奸后杀,幸得警察把他们及时救出。 在围捕中,几经艰险才把全部匪徒逮住,四千万赃款则在围捕中被炸药炸毁了。Upon entering a 24 hour convenience store, a criminal with a lonesome primary-school teacher as hostage is accidentally killed by her and the youthful attendant in their hilarious struggle to subdue him.The two soon discover a stash of money on the man's person and along with another customer - an attractive model - they decide to cover up any evidence of the man's visit in a pact to split the money between themselves.The group's seemingly full-proof plans are confounded by the vengeful acts of the money's rightful owner and a set of persistent, yet stupid and often comical policeman who hang around 'pursuing' the women.
回复 :新年将至,文化宫正在筹备一场盛大的跨年晚宴。奥古尔(伊戈尔·伊林斯基 Igor Ilyinsky 饰)是文化宫新上任的主任,这个严肃的男人决定将晚宴上要表演的所有节目都重新审核一遍,并且在跨年当天发表一份长达40分钟的学术演讲。晚宴上的一切都让奥古尔感到非常的不爽——女演员们的裙子太短、乐队演奏的歌曲太过于花哨和肤浅、参会者竟然想带起花里胡哨的狂欢节面具来遮掩他们的容貌。奥古尔雷厉风行的对整改晚会节目下达了指令,年轻人们当然不会就这样受人摆布,他们决定见招拆招,和奥古尔暗中较劲。