暗中A married couple raising two daughters find themselves in a mid life crisis where grief and attraction threaten their domestic nucleus
暗中A married couple raising two daughters find themselves in a mid life crisis where grief and attraction threaten their domestic nucleus
回复 :上世纪80年代东南亚某现代化的大都市,银行家王志川收到了一个附有蓝骷髅的恐吓信,信里说:为了报30年前的深仇,要把王的全家都杀掉。王志川不得不防,请来了蜚声海内外的私家侦探赵英龙等来保护自己。但是,不久王家的人却一个个在接到了准确预告了死亡时间的情形下,还有警察的严密保护,但还是一个个被杀掉了,每次尸体旁都有一个兰骷髅。更不可理愈的是就连涉案较深的警员也未能幸免。此案引起了另外一个私家侦探陈明江的兴趣,在警方的协助下,和暗藏的杀人凶手进行的卓绝的智斗。终于发现凶手竟然是赵英龙兄妹,他们为给父母报仇隐姓埋名30年,卧薪尝胆,现在大仇已报,自己的真相也被揭穿,双双自杀。
回复 :When 11-year-old Gitty discovers that her beloved father is hiding a wealthy man in her family's silo in order to save their struggling farm, she is forced to choose between saving the man's life or protecting her family from the consequences of their actions. AMERICAN FABLE is a fairytale thriller set in the 1980s rural Midwest about a courageous girl living in a dark - sometimes magical - world.
回复 :随着农业机械化的普及,牛已经退出了农耕史。可是,独身老人牛万春还养着两头牛,也是全村最后两头牛了。他一直舍不得卖掉,他是不甘心自己和牛一样没有了用武之地。他在哀婉叹息的同时,却又无可奈何。