回复 :This is a very bizarre fairy tale. It commences with a wedding and singing and dancing but nearly the whole village is wiped out by wolves. The bride gives birth to a daughter several months later and promises her to the boy who saved her.Ten years later there is another disruption when Some circus folk come by and the villagers trick them into staying. Tragedy ensues...This has a strange cast, dwarfs, giants, priests and occasional intrusions from the modern world in the form of the police and a wonderer who returns bringing to the village the good news of Nostradamus. It is a long film but it honestly does not drag. and if you get bored of the plot you can always look at the sumptuous Countryside.
回复 :派屈克與父母到小島渡假,不料遭到不明生物攻擊,他的父母因而喪生!劫後餘生的派屈克因打擊過大而精神失常,心理學家為了幫助他療傷,特地帶他重回舊地,卻再度遭受擊…。後來才發現,因為石油公司在小島進行鑽探工作,破壞了自然生態,讓巨型蜥蜴科摩多產生攻擊性,他們能夠全身而退嗎?
回复 :Adela是一名充满同情心的罪犯辩护人,一直坚信人性本善,罪恶的是社会。然而她最近的辩护被告偷了她的车,在车内找到了她乡村别墅的钥匙并计划了一次盗窃。不幸的是丈夫在这次入室盗窃中意外身亡。这让她陷入理想与现实的纠结痛苦中,殊不知噩梦才刚刚开始……