回复 :A man (Young) comes round after a car accident, and realises that a perfect crime is now possible: any movie with this scene can't fail. From this halfway point, the anxious mood of this rare noir thriller thickens fast. Jane Greer and Susan Hayward in turn tempt Young (a spineless louse) from his rich wife (Johnson). We know he's wretched, but is he guilty of murder?
回复 :《我的宠物恐龙》讲述的是小男主人公杰克和他的朋友查尔斯、阿贝等人痴迷于UFO,经常到森林“狩猎UFO”,遗憾的是他们并没有找到任何外星生物的痕迹,却意外收集了一些奇怪的粘质物,并将其带回了家。机缘巧合之下,杰克用粘质物创造出了一只恐龙,一只十分可爱的、充满好奇心、形似剑龙的变色恐龙,并取名 “马格纳斯”。为了避免马格纳斯人们被发现,杰克决心要把它藏起来,但是随着小恐龙的身体呈指数增长,杰克和他的小伙伴们再也无法向军方和岌岌可危 的小镇隐瞒这个秘密……
回复 :The legend of King Naresuan continues with this third of four chapters and tells the story of King Naresuan, Thai’s chivalric king and warrior in the Ayutthaya era who fought against the invasion of Burmese troops that wanted to overpower the Ayutthaya Kingdom.