怪奇A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
怪奇A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
回复 :黑人移工里奥莫名从工地一跃而下,陷入昏迷;护士玛丽安娜为了逃离她在里斯本的生活,自愿陪着里奥回到家乡――前葡萄牙殖民地佛得角。在这个岩浆不断喷发的火山岛上,不谙方言的她虽无法与当地人沟通,却能感受到一股神祕的死亡力量,并经历了一段无疾而终的爱情。在玛丽安娜的私密旅程中,关于殖民的伤痕、爱与孤独之忧郁意象不言而喻。
回复 :After the divorce, Lisa was left with two children. Soon she meets a woman who is called her relative and says that their family has a family curse and that Lisa's boys are in mortal danger. Lisa refuses to believe in superstitious fears, but later strange visions begin to visit her, and she realizes that the curse turns out to be real. Now she must save her children from evil at any cost.
回复 :纽约市下水道,四只小海龟和一只小老鼠由于接触了含有放射性物质的凝胶而变异为巨大的人化生物。暴躁冲动却富有激情的拉斐尔(乔什·帕斯 Josh Pais饰),幽默风趣的的米开朗基罗(迈克林·西提 Michelan Sisti饰),个性沉稳的多纳泰罗(雷夫·提勒顿 Leif Tilden饰)以及他们的领导者达芬奇(大卫·福尔曼 David Forman饰),这四只功夫高强的忍者龟便肩负起为纽约市除暴安良的神圣使命。他们神勇无比、所向匹敌,在多次行侠仗义后,与城市里的一个神秘组织结怨。神秘组织展开一次突袭,由于寡不敌众,忍者神龟受了重伤,同时,他们的老师也被这个神秘组织抓去。