女警探+女法医的组合,日韩以此成为卖点。TNT擅长并且喜好拍摄强势女性形象的剧集,日韩比如closer, saving grace, etc. 所以你能猜到这两位女主角是怎样的女人。在案件方面,由于原作者对医学颇有研究,所以这方面是看点。另外,该剧模仿Criminal minds推出一些serial killer或copy killer的case,亦给剧情加分。燕迹秦清添加。
女警探+女法医的组合,日韩以此成为卖点。TNT擅长并且喜好拍摄强势女性形象的剧集,日韩比如closer, saving grace, etc. 所以你能猜到这两位女主角是怎样的女人。在案件方面,由于原作者对医学颇有研究,所以这方面是看点。另外,该剧模仿Criminal minds推出一些serial killer或copy killer的case,亦给剧情加分。燕迹秦清添加。
回复 :翻拍自韩剧《百折不挠具海拉》
回复 :《混乱之子》发生在一个虚构的加州小镇(Charming)上,面对毒品贩子和大型土地开发商的步步紧逼,一家黑白两道皆有名望的非法摩托车俱乐部奋起反抗--不仅要保护自己,也要保护小镇的安宁。故事的主人公Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam扮演) 正处在激烈的思想冲突中,一方面他深爱自己手下这帮兄弟,另一方面他也希望俱乐部彻底摆脱“非法”的阴影。其他的主要人物包括Jax天生威严的母亲及担任俱乐部主席的继父。
回复 :Detective Inspector John Rebus is a hard drinking, unkempt, womanizing police officer whose job is his whole life. He is the most senior and most experienced DI at his station. He has a mysterious past that his partner DS Siobhan Clarke learns about from time to time through various comments Rebus makes. She is a young woman who wants to succeed, but does not have much of a personal life. She feels being paired with Rebus jeopardizes her career because of his unorthodox methods, but she is also fascinated by the man and is extremely loyal. DI Rebus' boss is Chief Superintendent Templar, a woman who was one of Rebus' lovers in a distant past. Their relationship is now one where they barely tolerate each other.