回复 :10集衍生剧里Sophie(Hilary Duff饰)向儿子讲述自己是如何认识另一半,就像母剧里Ted Mosby所做的事。《老妈老爸的浪漫史》背景设置在21年,除了描述女主的寻爱故事外,主角及朋友们亦会探索自己的生活,共同于这个被约会软件主导的时代找寻爱情。
回复 :A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes.• Season 10Episode # Air Date# Guests10-01 07/Jan/02 Mari Wilson, Boy George, Blade, Tommy Vance10-02 14/Jan/02 Boothby Graffoe, DJ Spoony, Cathy Dennis, Craig Cash10-03 21/Jan/02 Adam Buxton, Midge Ure, Suzi Quatro, Claudia Winkleman10-04 28/Jan/02 Beverley Turner, Lesley Garrett, Leee John, Ben Norris10-05 04/Feb/02 Kerry McFadden, Ashley Taylor Dawson, Pete Burns, Christian O'Connell10-06 11/Feb/02 Nemone, Alexander O'Neal, Ian Watkins, Mark Owen10-07 18/Feb/02 Ben Miller, Lisa Scott Lee, Kate Thornton, Tony Wilson10-08 25/Feb/02 Dave Johns, Christian Ingebrigtsen, Paul Young, June Sarpong10-09 04/Mar/02 Shaun Williamson, Coleen Nolan, Bruce Dickinson, Ian Stone10-10 20/May/02 Eurovision Special
回复 :惊险喜剧「你邻居的妻子」描写倦怠期的两对夫妇的故事,郑俊镐和廉晶雅分别居住在楼上和楼下40多岁的男女主人公角色。